Holiday Candy

by | Nov 29, 2020 | Candy, Snacks, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Holiday candy from Sjaaks. Always organic, we brought back their Salted Caramels in new packaging. Elegant boxes of Orange, Cherry and Almond truffles in Fark Chocolate and Mint with Candy Cane Melk Chocolate and Peanut Butter Crunch Dark Chocolate Snowmeeples.

Cat and Fiddle

Cat and Fiddle

Cat and Fiddle, Maple Blueberry Cornmeal Shortbread Tart, Grapefruit Olive Oil Semolina Cake and Coffee Cardamom Brownies Grapefruit Olive Oil Semolina Cake Coffee Cardamom Brownies are delicious

German Holiday Cookies

German Holiday Cookies

German Holiday Cookies; Lambertz Lebkuchen Männchen in dark and milk chocolate. Weiss Pfeffernüsse Iced and Lambetz Pfeffernüsse Iced with Chocolate Cookies. Lambertz Aacheuer Kräuter Printen Cookies, great favorites in Germany.

Lebkuchen Gingerbread Cookies

Lebkuchen Gingerbread Cookies

Weiss Lebkuchen Soft Gingerbread Mixed Cookies, Bahlsen Chocolate covered Spiced German Gingerbread Cookies and Bahlsen Iced Contessa Spiced German Gingerbread. Weiss Cocosella Cookies with Coconut Bavarian Gluten Free Gingerbread Cookies  

It’s German Holiday time

It’s German Holiday time

It’s German Holiday time! We have shelves full of assorted brandy filled and regular chocolates, marzipan and gingerbread cookies and Schülnder Stollen Christmas Cakes. Here are the delicious Asbach assorted Brandy filled Chocolates    

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