Sour Cream on the move!

by | Nov 29, 2020 | Cheese and Dairy, Cream | 0 comments

We’ve moved the Sour Cream. It’s over with the yogurts now!

Bird flu and eggs

Bird flu and eggs

We wanted to share this post from our friends at the Olympia Food Co-op with our customers as we are having the same challenges.

Happy Egg Organic and Heritage

Happy Egg Organic and Heritage

New eggs from Happy Egg. Organic and Heritage Free Range. Our yolks are a 12+ on the Yolk Color scale, giving you a difference you can taste and see. Our Happy Egg Heritage eggs come from our unique Hölzl Blue and Hölzl Brown hen breeds, who lay a range of deep brown...

BelGioioso Mozzarella Pearls & Queso Cotija

BelGioioso Mozzarella Pearls & Queso Cotija

Perfect for summer salads and sprinkled on pizzas. BelGioioso Mozzarella Pearls. They are called “the little ones”. Portland based Don Froylan Queso Cotija. Originally created in Mexico, cotija is a cow's milk cheese used to top all sorts of foods, from soups to...

Mountain Lodge Farm Goat Cheeses

Mountain Lodge Farm Goat Cheeses

Local Goat Cheeses from Mountain Lodge Farm, Eatonville. We loved them all so much we brought nearly the whole range into the store. We also brought in their delicious Cajeta. Cajeta sauce is a slow-cooked Mexican caramel sauce that starts with goat's milk. The sauce...

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