10% off Sundays & Turkeys available
Nuts for brain health
What’s shakin’ bacon?
What’s shakin’ bacon. We don’t want you to panic, but we’ve moved the bacon. We’ve moved it to the frozen veggie freezer at the back of the store where we’re creating a breakfast sausage and bacon section. We’ve put tags on the bacon to help you find it.
Moving Wild Heart Sipping Vinegars
We moved our shelves around. We moved the the Wild Heart Sipping Vinegar to a brighter shelf and moved all the soft drinks under them. The empty shelves are now full of Discontinued and Expired Items.
Tower Blocks
Our staff enjoy creating these cardboard tower-blocks to keep our store tidy.
Organic Italian Pastas
February must be pasta month. All three of our organic Italian pastas are on sale. Of course Bionaturae, Montebello and Felicetti are all made in Italy so they use Italian wheat.
Honey is a Medicine
We love our Local and Mānuka honey selections.
Green tag deals
Some of the Green tag deals are for all our customers, member and non-member alike.
Jovial and Mutti tomato products.
Look at these great member only deals on Jovial and Mutti tomato products.
Jovial Gluten-Free Organic Pastas member specials
Jovial Gluten-Free Organic Pastas on member special. Cassava Penne , Fusilli, Farfalle, Penne and Stelline.
Colvin Ranch supports Prairie Grasslands
The South Puget Sound region is home to one of Washington’s rarest ecosystems: prairies. These dry grasslands and oak woodlands host many of Washington’s most imperiled wildlife species. Once common in the South Puget Sound, only 3% of this region’s prairies remain....
Early Valentine’s
As we move into the new year our next fun event will be Valentines, so we are starting to put it together for you.
For coughs & mucus and sore throat relief.
For coughs & mucus and sore throat relief.
Kiddos coughs and colds
If colds, coughs and chest problems happen to the kiddos in your life, here are some of our options.
New Year’s Eve Sale
Closed January 1st and 2nd
Gabriel 20% Monday and 30% Sunday & Tuesday deals
30% off Gabriel Cosmetics makeup on Sunday and Tuesday, and 20% on Monday. Take advantage of these great discounts and look your best this New Year.
Flash Sale preparations
We’re starting to roll out our Flash Sale. Check out the signs popping up all over the store. We have over 200 great deals and discounts.
It’s Flash Sale time.
It’s Flash Sale time. There are over 200 of them all over the store. Each one is a great discounts.
Flash Sale food and drink
Lots of food and drink included in our Flash Sale. Check them out.