Yelm Food Coop AGM 2023 Presidents Update

by | Sep 22, 2023 | News | 0 comments

Hello and welcome to the 2023 Annual General Meeting, it’s been a great year!

I’d like to first thank all the Staff and Volunteers and Welcome all the new staff and volunteers we have welcomed to our growing co-op.

This year we purchased our brand new produce cooler, a purchase that was a long time in coming and now is a reality.   It is by far the largest single purchase ever in our co-op’s history and we are well on our way to paying for it in full within 12 months of installation.  Thanks to all of you who helped support this purchase and continue to do so with your contributions.

Our sales are up over 20% this year compared to this time last year which when we account for inflation is still very spectacular.  In comparison to last year’s 1.15% growth, this is a good sign. In September we surpassed our total income from the previous year.  Our growing success will allow more opportunities in the future for our cooperative.

We are also pleased to have a new assistant manager Debera Ricalde who is joining Jutta and Emily in managing the co-op.   She has already contributed much to our organization.

Thank you all for being a part of your Yelm Food co-op

Jeevan Anandasakaran
Board President

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