This is a honey bee. The pollen on her legs is from dandelions.Her tongue is sticking out due to what killed her that was on the dandelions. It’s spring, dandelions are the bees first food. This bee is dead from weed killer spread on what we see as weeds, but what nature sees as food. Please don’t spray for weeds until you see the blackberries blooming. In this area, weeds, flowers and fruit trees are bees only source of food until middle of June. There are FAR more weeds than flowers or fruit trees, so it’s their only food source. No bees, no food crops for us and we all starve.
Colvin Ranch supports Prairie Grasslands
The South Puget Sound region is home to one of Washington’s rarest ecosystems: prairies. These dry grasslands and oak woodlands host many of Washington’s most imperiled wildlife species. Once common in the South Puget Sound, only 3% of this region’s prairies remain....