Moving Wild Heart Sipping Vinegars

by | Feb 22, 2025 | Beverages, Fermented, Juice, Local, News, Soda, Tea, Water | 0 comments

We moved our shelves around. We moved the the Wild Heart Sipping Vinegar to a brighter shelf and moved all the soft drinks under them. The empty shelves are now full of Discontinued and Expired Items.

What’s shakin’ bacon?

What’s shakin’ bacon?

What’s shakin’ bacon. We don’t want you to panic, but we’ve moved the bacon. We’ve moved it to the frozen veggie freezer at the back of the store where we’re creating a breakfast sausage and bacon section. We’ve put tags on the bacon to help you find it.

Tower Blocks

Tower Blocks

Our staff enjoy creating these cardboard tower-blocks to keep our store tidy.

Blue Heron Bakery sliced Breads

Blue Heron Bakery sliced Breads

Dear Yelm Food Co-op Customers, Beginning February 10th, we will be purchasing bakery items from Blue Heron Bakery in Olympia! They are known for making everything 100% from scratch, while using all natural and organic ingredients. Not to mention their selection of...

Supporting Our Local Producers