Our History

If the Yelm Food Cooperative were a children’s story, it would probably be The Little Engine That Could.  This, after all, is an organization that opened in 2007 – with just $26,000. “That’s a very small amount to start any retail, let alone a grocery store that has a lot of inventory and equipment,” say current General Manager Barnaby Urich Rintz. “Most will start with ten times that amount before they get a brick and mortar location.”

“We were insane,”

Manager Debbie Burgan puts it more bluntly: “We were insane,” she says. “I was sent to three different seminars to find out what you needed to start a co-op. Every single one said you needed a minimum of $1 million.”

It all started in 2005 with Laura Losada, a Yelm resident who had a vision of a local store with organic, natural and local ingredients. Others believed in her vision and soon, according to volunteer Robyn Hawk, “A very small handful of people somehow got another small handful of people to get a fair amount of money so that they could start this co-op.” Everyone involved volunteered hundreds of hours, raising money, learning about the ins and outs of running a co-op and applying for grants. In addition, several members of the leadership team at the Olympia Co-op contributed guidance and expertise for nearly a year.

The store opened its doors in April, 2007 in a small commercial building in Yelm’s Frontier Village, where anyone attempting to navigate an aisle would literally rub elbows with someone coming the opposite direction.  “It was important to open a storefront in order to begin building a history and reputation within this community,” says Rintz.

But in 2012, the store moved to its current – and much larger – location at 308 Yelm Ave., which it shares with local landmark Gordon’s Garden Center. “Moving here was really important,” says Manager Jutta Dewell, who has been with the store since its inception. “This location is much better equipped to handle a higher volume of sales, in terms of space and atmosphere.”

Originally, the co-op was a member-owned corporation. In 2012, the board of directors asked the membership to vote on becoming a non-profit community service organization with a focus on education and food. The idea was a hit; 96% of the members who voted favored the new vision.

As they’ve grown, the co-op staff have surveyed its customers, analyzed buying patterns, and adjusted accordingly. “We offer products that are hard to find in the Yelm area,” says Rintz, “non-GMO, organic, and local items. Our success has proven that the demand from the consumer is large enough to support the store.”

However,  there were still more challenges for the store.  After 4 1/2 years as a non-profit under the Yelm Cooperative umbrella, the IRS made a determination that Yelm Food Co-op was in fact a for-profit company and would have to be separated from Yelm Cooperative\Yelm Farmers’ Market operating as non-profit.  This was an unexpected upset for all.  Yelm Cooperative, the parent company decided to change their name to Bounty For Families and along with the Yelm Farmers’ Market as their subsidiary and go their “non-profit” way.  

On January 1, 2017, Yelm Food Cooperative went back to its original equity based company status.  The original equity members who had paid equity up until 2012, before the company went non-profit, were re-established as equity members and we began accepting equity memberships again.  

We continue to operate as an organic and natural food market offering our customers and members the best quality we can.

Supporting Our Local Producers

Riverdance Soaps Touchdown Beer

It’s called Touchdown Beer! We just love the colors and think you will too! It smells divine and would make a great gift for any sports fan.

Earthley Wellness Natural Balance

Earthley Wellness Natural Balance; When women experience stress, it often leads to weight gain, acne, insomnia, and overtired adrenals. No one wants to experience these things on top of stress, so we created a tincture to help your body find balance and handle stress...

Candida Cleanse

Earthley Wellness Candida Cleanse; Candida and yeast overgrowth impact 1 in 3 Americans and can harm the gut flora. If you’re struggling with fatigue, digestive problems, oral thrush, UTIs, or yeast infections, you may have candida overgrowth. Unresolved gut flora...

SunButter Sunflower Seed Butters

For those who have nut allergies, these SunButters are just the job. Organic Original and Chocolate.

Hot Dogs and Franks

Our hot dogs and franks are in the freezer next to the meat freezer as we ran out of room! Regenerative Agriculture Thousand Hills Lifetime Grazed 100% Grass Fed Beef Uncured Hickory Smoked Beef Franks join our Applegate Organic Beef and Natural Beef and Turkey Hot...

Chicken Noodle Soups

Customer request; Did you know we haven’t had any Chicken Noodle Soup in for ages, and now we have two for you. Rao’s in a glass jar and Organic Health Valley.

Primal Kitchen Chipotle Lime Mayonnaise

Primal Kitchen Chipotle Lime Real Mayonnaise with Avocado Oil

Mango Chili Bites

How’s this for something different. They come in bulk so we bag them for you. Azure Mango Chili Bites. These would be fun to sample next Wednesday!

Selina Naturally Celtic Sea Salt

Selina Naturally Celtic Sea Salt Fine Ground/Sel Fin.

Good Karma Flax Milk

This Good Karma Flax Milk arrived by mistake and it looked pretty clean and interesting to us so we put it in the plant based cheese chiller. Zero sugar. Lots of Omega 3’s.  Give it a try.