Boiron Allergy Relief itchy & watery eyes, sneezing, itchy throat & nose, Diaralia intestinal pain, nausea, traveler’s diarrhea, Gasalia bloating, pressure, pain + discomfort and NauseaCalm upset stomach, vomiting, stomach flu.
Colds and flu and winter bugs
With winter bugs around, it’s a good time to make sure your immune system is at its strongest. We have many choices in our apothecary. Here are a few options.
For coughs & mucus and sore throat relief.
For coughs & mucus and sore throat relief.
Kiddos coughs and colds
If colds, coughs and chest problems happen to the kiddos in your life, here are some of our options.
Boiron Cyclease for Menstrual Cramps
Customer request; Boiron Cyclease for Menstrual Cramps Homeopathic Meltaway Tablets
Mary Ruth’s Liquid Vitamin B Complex Drops, Homeopathic Earache Drops from Hylands and some fun All Terrain Neon Kids Bandages!
Here’s a nice little mix of customer requests for Mary Ruth’s Liquid Vitamin B Complex Drops, Homeopathic Earache Drops from Hylands and some fun All Terrain Neon Kids Bandages!
It’s not just for kids!
Don’t be fooled by the focus on kids! This works for everyone! Organic Nature’s Path Envirokids Choco Chimps and Kiki Chocolate Milk
Boiron Chestal
There are a lot of chest and cough problems going around. We have you covered.
Hyland’s Earache Drops
Hyland’s Earache Drops Ages 2+ Swimmers Ear, Cold & Flu and Allergy. Relieve Ear Pain Fast.
Stress Relief
New for us is Boiron’s StressCalm meltaway tablets. It joins the rest of our stress relief and calm mind products.
Restorative Botanicals & Hyland’s
Restorative Botanicals searched out some of the best mushroom options for you. My GUT Shrooms includes Turkey Tail, Chaga & Postbiotics, My Sleep Shrooms includes Reishi, Passion Flower, Valerian Root, Chamomile & Tryptophan, and My Immune Shrooms include...
Arnicare Arthritis Cream
We have members who swear by Boiron’s Arnicare Arthritis Meltaway Tabs so we thought we’d bring in their new Arnicare Arthritis Cream too.
Kiddos Fever Reducer & Fast Asleep
For the kiddos, Hylands Homeopathic Fever Reducer and Herb Pharm Kids Fast Asleep Nap and Nighttime.
For the kids
Ease the sneezing, soothe the sore throat, and loosen up the congestion* with our go-to cold product that so many parents have come to depend on. Formulated for kids 2 years old and up. Ease your little ones nasal congestion, sneezing and coughing with our effective...
Hyland’s Earache Drops
Hyland’s Naturals Earache Drops relieves ear pain fact. Find them on the top shelf in the Apothecary Department next to the eye and nasal products. Temporarily relieves the symptoms of minor fever, ear pain or throbbing, irritability or occasional sleeplessness...
Kali phosphoricum
Finding it difficult to focus? You’re not the only one. Concentrating on things like work and school can sometimes be challenging when you are exhausted. Stress, overworking, and lack of sleep can often cause mental fatigue, a state of tiredness characterized by a...
T-Relief Arnica +12
Member recommendation: One of our beloved members just bought 6 of these through the Buy Club. This T-Relief Arnica +12 is an extra strong plant based relief for humans, but she has great results when she gives them to her horse, so we thought we should bring them in...
Yelm Food Co-op Apothecary
We’ve named our Health section, the Yelm Food Co-op Apothecary because we believe we have the largest selection of healthcare options in the area for you. Brands include Terry Naturally, Rainbow Light, Natural Vitality, Theshold, Jarrow Formulations, Boiron...
Arnicare Bruise Relief
For those of us who bruise easily, this is a great way to stimulate healing. Boiron Arnicare Bruise Relief.
Member Requests fulfilled
Member requests are really happening! Check out Prince of Peace’s American Ginseng with Royal Jelly & Bee Pollen, BioAllers Outdoor Allergy Treatment, Boiron Arnicare Arthritis, Nubian Goats Milk & Chai Body Lotion, and Heritage Black Castor Oil. All member...