
Cat & Fiddle Bakery from Ashford WA

Cat & Fiddle Bakery from Ashford WA

We’re really excited to introduce you to the Cat & Fiddle Bakery from Ashford WA. They will be delivering every Friday. Bagels are boiled and baked in true New York style. The Harvest Bread Sourdough is a masterpiece and the Challahs come in Regular and Herbs de...

Truly Grass-Fed Ghee

Truly Grass-Fed Ghee

Truly Grass-Fed comes from the green grass of Ireland. We all love their butter and cheeses, so we thought we’d try their GHEE Clarified Butter. “Perfect on lobster, crab and shrimp! I absolutely loved the flavor, very smooth”. “I use it on practical anything, I use...

Mānuka Honey

Mānuka Honey

Mānuka Health Raw Mānuka Honey from New Zealand. Jars, On-the-Go Packets and Honey Blackcurrent and Honey Ginger Lemon Lozenges. Mānuka honey has antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. It may benefit wound healing, cough relief, ulcer healing,...

The best Nattokinase

The best Nattokinase

Looking for the best Nattokinase product? Nattovena is the strongest and purest Nattokinase period. Get our advanced 4000FU per capsules now. The older we get, the more our fibrin levels fluctuate. Fibrin is an important protein involved in blood clotting. Nattovena...



We ran out of large Stollen and customers were sad, so we brought in some more.

Supporting Our Local Producers